Paseo Orrego Luco
During a day of randomly wandering the streets of Santiago, we stumbled upon Paeso Orrego Luco. This alcove off Providencia has a great selection of restaurants, pubs, and bars, all of which line a pedestrian walkway filled with outdoor seating. It has a great atmosphere buzzing with laughter and conversation. This is a particularly popular spot for people to visit at the end of their workday, taking a moment to unwind before heading home. It is also known for hosting fashion shows and concerts, so you might want to stroll by and see what's going on.
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Av. Holanda & Calle San Piox
Just along Av. Holanda there's a collection of small, humble restaurants that looked awfully tempting. It's a much quieter street than Providencia and can offer a place to dine away from the sometimes overwhelming intensity of Santiago. Had we been able to spend more time in Santiago we definitely would have liked to stop in and check a few out.